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Save the Date: Reclaiming Your Power: How to Access Your Claims Data and Hold Carriers Accountable
Thursday, September 12, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CDT
Category: Events

Another employee class action lawsuit was filed against an employer – this time it’s a bank – Wells Fargo. In this claim, employees accuse the employer/plan sponsor of insufficiently managing drug prices.

One has to wonder, does price transparency really exist for employers? If it's your data and the government has confirmed that it's your data, why are you still struggling to get it from your carriers/TPAs? In reality, if you can’t get your data, you don’t know what your costs are – yet you can still get sued by your employees!

At this employer roundtable, you will learn about a sister coalition’s efforts to identify if there was fraud and wasteful spending in their employer-sponsored plans. Hint – despite the employers’ best efforts and more aggressive tactics, some were still not able to get their data. Learn how to take back your power and protect your fiduciary responsibilities.

Attend this webinar to learn:

  • Ways to access your own de-identified claims data
  • How variations in contract language can change the game
  • Practical steps to hold carriers, TPAs and providers accountable

Contact: [email protected]